
Stickybones: Rapid Posing & Animation Made Easy

Created by Erik Baker

A revolutionary animation-art figure perfectly calibrated to bring your ideas to life.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Sun Dec 6 '20 Announcement
about 4 years ago – Sun, Dec 06, 2020 at 08:45:01 PM



Since the last update, we’ve been in production, however our schedule pushed out a bit, with 2ish weeks left to completion. The reason is right under our noses.  Literally... 



Our manufacturer became government contracted to start producing massive amounts of Covid nose-swabs and the like-- which meant that the government got priority over a bunch of our manufacturer’s mold presses, effectively bumping other companies, like ours, back in the schedule to duke it out for the remaining machines.  Interesting fact that we learned-- the mold presses that are running Covid tests actually have to be quarantined for 2 weeks from other molds…. Which means that even when the Covid Tests are not actively running, our manufacturer cannot swap in our molds to mold presses needing to be used for Covid parts. 



To help mitigate the length of the delay, we quickly shipped some of our steel molds to a near-by manufacturer to help us out in the final push to wrap up the remaining parts production.   We’ve been at both of our manufacturers’ facilities this past week and will return again this week.  So far the parts are looking great.  Our manufacturer is hopeful that they can finish (which includes installing all the magnets) by Wednesday the 16th.  As soon as they’re done, they’ll be shipped to our fulfillment house and shipped to YOU.



We have decided that the easiest way for everyone to confirm their final shipping addresses is to simply complete a BackerKit survey.  You should be emailed a link to your BackerKit survey by tomorrow.  Please just click the link, check that your address is still correct-- if not, please change it right away in the survey, and confirm.  (We’ve enabled the ability to add on additional Stickybones or Fly-Rigs to your order within the survey if you’d like, if not, just click through until you confirm your address.)

Please look out for the BackerKit Surveys coming in the next day or two.


Thanks so much and stay tuned for more updates soon. 


Best wishes, 

Team Stickybones!


P.S.  If you find yourself getting a Covid nose swab test, you can tell the practitioner proudly that the manufacturer who made this swab, maybe, just maybe made your super cool poseable figure called Stickybones!  ;)  You can also helpfully point out to them that using Stickybones is infinitely more fun than getting your nose swabbed.

Mon Oct 19 '20 Announcement
about 4 years ago – Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 11:11:55 AM

Hello Backers,


Our official Stickybones manufacturing run has a completion deadline coming up on November 23rd. This 2nd Production Run is in full swing, parts are being molded as we speak, quality is being inspected and dimensions are being measured with care.  (Yes, you can still pre-order Stickybones to be a part of this upcoming run.)

Once the parts are complete and packed into boxes by November 23rd, they’ll be freight shipped to our fulfillment house and immediately shipped to you, our Indiegogo backers.


ANNOUNCING FLY-RIG 2.0 with Photos!  

We are SO HAPPY with how the FLY-RIG 2.0’s turned out-- we’re as giddy as school children at recess (in non Covid times, of course!)

(NEW Fly-rig 2.0 above.)  At a quick glance, the new and original Fly-Rigs might look very similar.  But take a closer look at the rods.

These updated Fly-Rigs are SO MUCH MORE STABLE and STRONGER than our first release of Fly-Rigs!  Check out this bounce test-- this difference has a huge positive impact when animating or posing.

The rods on the Fly-Rig 2.0 are thicker and have added grip.  This creates better “memory” (less bendy and bouncy), the joints move even more smoothly, and it’s actually easier for human hands to manipulate smaller, incremental movements and with greater detail. 

Additionally, they can hold more dramatic, off-center poses better than the first release Fly-Rig.  We’re happy campers about these puppies! 

If you have not yet ordered a Fly-Rig, you may want to do so! 

Note:  All Fly-Rigs sent out from here on out will be automatically be upgraded to Fly-Rig 2.0—We will not ship any more Fly-Rig 1.0 units.


Be sure to open the next email we send you, as we’ll be announcing the creation of our MOST REQUESTED accessory for Stickybones.  And we’ll let you know when ordering will be available.  STAY very, very TUNED!

Thank you immensely for the patience during this production and we are so excited to get the next batch of Stickybones and Fly-Rigs 2.0 out to you.  Remember, our Indiegogo backers will be shipped to first before we begin selling Stickybones on our website.  You’ve believed in us and have waited patiently, so you’re 100% our first shipping priority.  <3  Thanks again!

Best wishes,



Fri Apr 24 '20 Announcement
over 4 years ago – Fri, Apr 24, 2020 at 05:13:44 PM

Hello Stickybones Backers,


We hope that you are able to stay safe in this pandemic.  And to those directly affected by this illness, our hearts are with you!


Here’s a brief update on our 2nd ever Production Run of Stickybones:


Fly-Rigs:  All Fly-Rigs shipped from here on out will be automatically upgraded to FLY-RIG 2.0!  We’ve listened to feedback and have taken action on making some improvements to the Fly-Rigs.  We are making some changes that will improve the stability and strength of the rods.  The molds are being worked on now and we should be able to commence Fly-Rig 2.0 production shortly thereafter.


Stickybones Figures:  We are 100% committed to producing the absolute best product within our power and because of that, we’ve decided to make some key improvements on the Stickybones molds before commencing our next big production run.  Key areas of improvements include tightening the finger connections, improving the right hip socket connection and the mid-section connection.  We feel great about moving forward with these improvements and it will lead to an even better experience for posing and animating.   To accomplish these improvements, we went back into our engineering CAD and made calculated structural changes. (Note: These improvements will not impact the LOOK of Stickybones and they’ll still have the same amazing range of motion.)  Next, our manufacturer will implement those changes by opening up our physical molds and then begin cutting the steel. 

Covid 19 is impacting our production schedule.  Efforts related to our molds and steel cutters is proving more difficult and costly.  The actual production run of parts on the molds will also be impacted.  In a manufacturing facility, as you can imagine, people and parts are moving around at a great pace, within close proximity to each other.  With social distancing, you can imagine how that would impact production.  We’re still waiting to see the extent of the impact and will update you when we know more.  But regardless, we are pushing on and Round 2 will absolutely complete!

Thank you so much for reading and again, please stay safe!


Best regards, 

Team Stickybones


Mon Aug 12 '19 Announcement
over 5 years ago – Mon, Aug 12, 2019 at 01:38:41 PM

Important Note:   We have temporarily disabled our Indiegogo perks.  If you’d like to personally be notified or order MORE Stickybones when they come back online, please email [email protected] subject line: “NOTIFY ME.”


All remaining pre-orders are shipping today and tomorrow!! * 

(*As long as your BackerKit survey has been completed.)  If you are a very recent backer and have not filled out your survey yet, don't sweat--we will ship your order as soon as you fill out your survey. 


We have given explicit instructions to our fulfillment house to get all remaining orders out the door and to YOUR door.


Please look out for your shipping and tracking emails that will be sent tonight or tomorrow.  Then, please keep a close eye on your door-to-door tracking.  



Pose plates now have a protective peel-off sticker on one side. 

Peel that peel-off off!  XD


Thank you!   

Team Stickybones

Wed Aug 7 '19 Announcement
over 5 years ago – Wed, Aug 07, 2019 at 03:27:40 PM


Our next batch of Stickybones and Fly-Rigs are IN TRANSIT to our fulfillment house TODAY! 

This means that we will be able to fulfill EVERY. SINGLE. PRE-ORDER. In just a matter of days, all remaining orders will set sail to their new homes and begin their new lives with YOU!  

Once this big freight shipment arrives at our fulfillment house (probably tonight or tomorrow morning) then they’ll need a day or so to process it, after which point we will get a-shippin’.




Do you want to ADD ITEMS onto your order?

 If you’ve not yet received your order, YES, you can still add on Stickybones or Fly-Rigs to your order and have it ship in the same package with your original order shipping soon.  But you will need to let us know FAST-- as in by tomorrow--because we’ll need to manually process the request. If you want to add onto your order, please email [email protected] with the subject line “ADD ITEMS TO ORDER.”  Then, please list what exactly you’d like to add, including color of Stickybones.  Finally, give us written permission to charge the card on file on BackerKit for the additional items and (in some cases, depending on what you order) a slight increase in shipping charges.  


Have you already received your order and you’d now like to order more?  

If you want to re-order another perk right now, you can always do so, again, through Indiegogo.  If you re-order now, your order will ship in THIS UPCOMING WAVE.


NEW 40 second Stickybones promo video!  

CLICK the link or image below to Watch!


[Above] Our good friend and talented editor Mickey Adolph has put together this 40 second teaser piece--we love what he did!  Many of the poses inspired by @tibographic who puts out fantastic poses on his Instagram. Special thanks to Theresa Adolph, too!


We’ll close this update with a dynamic stop motion piece by Daniel Wilkinson (@cactuscowboydan on Instagram) He animated this in 2 days during Tim Allen’s stop motion mentoring workshop in London.


CLICK to WATCH his beautifully timed shot: 



And then please follow Stickybones on Instagram as we will continue to post content and share inspiring work from the Stickybones community!


We will update you again when the orders ship… But if you’re still waiting, please keep an eye out for your tracking email!





Team Stickybones